Val Kuck is a committed and effective leader at the Local Section level:
- Councilor, 1975-2006, ex-officio Councilor, 2007-2012
- North Jersey Section Chair, 1992
- National Chemistry Week, Co-Chair, 1994-2012
- Careers in Transition, Founder and Chair, 1998-2009, Adviser, 2009-12
- Project SEED, Treasurer, 2011-12
- Nominating Committee, Member, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1989-92, and 1997-2009
- Education Committee, Member, 1993-2010
- Project Wonder Science Task Force, Founder and Chair, 1998
- General Interest Chair, 1986-89 and 1993
- Baekeland Award Committee, Chair, 1991, member, 2009
- Indicator Advisory Committee, Member, 1982-86, 2009
- Metro Women’s Chemists Committee, Co-founder and Co-chair, 1977-83
- Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting Steering Committee Member, 1998-99 and 2004-05.
Significant Activities
- Under Val's leadership the Section's National Chemistry celebrations have expanded greatly. Hundreds of volunteers have delighted thousands of budding scientists with creative hands-on activities.
- Val has helped hundreds of Section members to rewrite their resumes, conduct a successful job search, and develop answers to commonly asked interview questions.
- Val has presented career workshops for the unemployed and undergraduate students.
- She pushed for nomination policies that encourage identification of new future leaders of the Section.
- Val originated the Kids and Chemistry Kit Program, which let elementary teachers and ACS members borrow hands-on activity kits.